Plan your visit

The Department of Exhibitions, Communication and Education of the Museum of Byzantine Culture offers educational activities for students of primary and secondary education, adults, families, and people with disabilities. The educational activities aim to introduce visitors to the Byzantine culture as well as to the museum itself.

School visits

In case that you plan to visit the museum with your classroom, you are recommended to make your visit booking in advance. Specify whether you are interested in participating in an educational activity delivered by the team of professional museum educators, undertake an educational activity without guidance, or arrange a self-guided visit at the museum. Museum visits and activities are free of charge for all students and their teachers.

Undertake an educational activity without guidance

To get informed about the educational activities offered throughout the current school year, please check “Education/Educational activities 2023-2024” in our website. Ideally, school classes of up to 25 students may participate in each activity.

Before your school visit

You are recommended to prepare your students about the museum visit. If you are interested in pre-visit classroom activities check the resources under the title “Booklets” in our website. Read carefully the information and instructions included in the corresponding teachers’ books. To get the most out of each activity we advise that at least two teachers accompany each class. Please spend some time in advance to divide your students into four groups.

At the Museum

At your arrival, ask the museum staff to help you with the students’ coats and bags. Also ask them to give you the educational material and then proceed to the gallery where you will undertake your booked activity. Ask your students to sit down and place them in a circle in front of the objects so they can easily spot them, unless you undertake the “Cards for museum visit”. Please make sure that the students will not walk around in the gallery; other visitors may be disturbed.


If you are visiting the museum with disabled children and you are interested in participating in our educational activities, please contact with our department. In cooperation with our staff, educational activities can be adjusted to the special needs of your group. There are educational activities for all age groups (nursery, elementary, middle school, high school, and adults as well). All the activities are free of charge.


In case that you plan to visit the museum with children or by yourself, you may use the “Cards for museum visit”. You will experience a pleasant and educative visit at the museum, focusing on particular exhibits. Ask for the “Cards” from our staff at the entrance hall.

Tel: 2313 306 419, 2313 306420, 2313 306476.