«Innovative teacher – motivated student: collaborative problem solving» KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROJECT N° 2015-1-LT01-KA201-013472-942181080

17.06.2016 - 17.06.2016

In the frame of the European Program Erasmus + the 2nd transnational meeting for the education of staff of 10 Educational E.U. Institutions will be held in Greece (20-25 June 2016).

The 1st Lyceum of Thessaloniki and the Educational Association of Kilkis participate on behalf of Greece.

The Conference will be held in the congress hall of the Educational Association of Kilkis in the town of Kilkis and in the 21st of June it will be held in the auditorium “Melina Mercouri” of the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki.

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