Memory Game

For students of Nursery or Primary School

The memory game is an easy and enjoying educational activity of cards depicting 15 exhibits displayed at the museum galleries. During the activity students are encouraged to play with the cards at the museum atrium and then visit the museum and discover the exhibits depicted on the cards.


At the museum

Ask the museum personnel to give you the cards of the memory game.

Seperate students in two groups.

Turn over the cards and start playing. The group that finds the most cards is the winner. Then seperate students into pairs and give each pair two different cards. Start walking through the museum galleries looking for the exhibits depicted on the cards. Ask students to find the exhibits, identify the material and think of how Byzantines used the objects.

The memory game is an alternative visit for student of nursery and primary school.


Teachers, Students, Families

Free entrance


1 hour

Participants limit

One school unit (until 25 students). The activity is exclusively implemented by the teachers.

Booking information

Phone reservation 2313 306420, 2313306476


Museum galleries, Αίθουσες μουσείου


Eva Fourligka, archaeologist-museologist


A. G. Levendis Foundation