B.Presentation of the movie, titled “Thanks to the memory” by Mrs. Stoumpou-Katsamouri,The movie titled “Thanks to the memory”


B.Presentation of the movie, titled “Thanks to the memory” by Mrs. Stoumpou-Katsamouri,The movie titled “Thanks to the memory” is a digital tour with high definitiontechnology and a production of the Archaeological Institute of Macedonian and Thracian Studies.It is a co-organization of the Museum of Byzantine Culture and with the invitation of it.The film deals with the painting of the funerary monuments of the permanent exhibition of the Museum and high-definition technology highlights iconography, themes, art and technique, the aesthetic values and symbolism of a particularly important set of funerary frescoes from the 3rd to the 6th century . Direction, recordingand image editing: Eleni Stoumpou -Katsamouri, archaeologist and director. Scientific editing, texts, narrative: DrAgathonikiTsilipakou,project manager of the Museum of Byzantine Culture. It will be followed by a discussion with the audience.Organization:Museum of Byzantine Culture Entrance free.